Monday, February 22, 2010

#406: Sums it up

ohned says (10:52 PM):
i mean, i duno wana keep on doing tings tat i dislike
n work w ppl who dun understand
n cannot tink alike
n cannot work together
i also dun like to perform like tat at work
if they tink they are upset
i feel worse
they cant stop
so its up to me
i go
end of story

#405: Fishing

Fishing is a sport/activity that i always wanted to learn, the crashing waves, seagulls flying, the cool wind in through my hair and the salt in the air.. fishing seems to provide a quiet time that i would enjoy..

but then again, in hot and humid Singapore, chances are you will have sandflies feasting on your feet, mosquitos ladies sucking your blood, sweat running down your back and loads of rubbish in the muddy waters.. oh well..

on fishing, there's always this saying "give a man a fish and he can have a meal, teach a man to fish and he will have fish for every meal"..

Out of this seemingly noble statement, hereins lies the nature of mankind to give advise, teach a man to fish we say.. more often than not, as sound human beings that have cognitive abilities, more so with the increase in education, we see ourselves in a better person to impart our fishing skills to others.. we analyse, we relate and we teach a man to fish..

so what happens when the man refuse to learn? or give up trying?

how what's worse? you spend some time learning about the man's plight and then after some careful thought, teaches the man to fish.. but at the end of it all, he tells you that he is not hungry at all, hence no need to fish and he wasn't listening..

oh well, fishes.. fish u

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy New Year!

To Chinese, the Lunar New Year holds much greater meaning and promise than the Ang Moh New Year.. so here's all the well wishes for you!

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Wish you the best of health to enjoy all the great wealth that's coming your way this year

Wish you happiness in everything you do

Wish the world that 2010 will have lesser natural diasters and that people will not suffer

All the Best!

Huat ah!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

#403 Religion

Inspired by recent events involving a pastor making disrespect comments towards Taoist and Buddhist and then having apologies later after kopi with ISD.. i have my own views on the issues too..

religions teaches us to do good and do well, so there is hardly any religion that tell you its alright to harm others, make people unhappy..

the problem is, the marketing of religion is in a region where respect for other religion is disturbed.. when you try to convince others of your religion and in the process of doing so you end up insulting that religion, you are fucked..

so these people should fuck off, if you have a problem with someone else religion, keep your badly mouth shut unless being provoked.. and for YOU who have had insulted my and my family's religion before.. fuck off

Peace out

I'm not really suited for any religion so may Buddha, Guan Yin, Tua Pek Gong etc help me.. thank you sincerely

#402 Closure

It has been a week since my grandpa's cremation and things are moving along.. well, quite.. somehow somewhat, there seem to be a lack of closure and at times, i feel unsettled..

on the work front, things just keeps getting worse with stupid comments so stupid that i brand them farking stupid.. so please.. stop this shit now before i blow my temper at you too.. you can be emotional, you are lose your cool because you are the boss.. but i can hold my temper, i can hold my peace because i'm the executive.. but still, there's a limit to everything and all it takes is a bad day and very stupid people to get the fire started..

As it is, Lunar New Year is coming but i hardly feel the mood.. perhaps it the timing of my grandpa's passing, perhaps it the relentless workload that's keeping my high and dry from any celebratory mood..

baby is getting well and fine day by day.. daddy has too little time with baby and know that mummy is stretched.. daddy happy and lucky to have mummy looking after you.. if mummy is not strong enough or not willing enough to look after you when daddy is busy, then we will all have a hard time.. but daddy heng, mummy nice nice and mummy can take good care of you even when daddy not around.. so you continue to be good boy k..

Valentine's Day is on Lunar New Year, bad news for business as the cash cow day is interupted, overpriced flowers, gifts, dinners.. but loads of pretty and smiling faces (people generally all look pretty when they smile except some very very very ugly ones..) so yeah.. happy people create happy vibes..

Wifey's V-day gift for me and almost exactly the same as my V-day gift to her.. she bought black colour for me while i bought white colour for her! we both have iPhones now.. so yeah..that's our gift to each other this vday.. ok.. abit lame.. haha..

okie lah, this post is heading nowhere, abit too random for my own liking.. outs