Monday, February 22, 2010

#405: Fishing

Fishing is a sport/activity that i always wanted to learn, the crashing waves, seagulls flying, the cool wind in through my hair and the salt in the air.. fishing seems to provide a quiet time that i would enjoy..

but then again, in hot and humid Singapore, chances are you will have sandflies feasting on your feet, mosquitos ladies sucking your blood, sweat running down your back and loads of rubbish in the muddy waters.. oh well..

on fishing, there's always this saying "give a man a fish and he can have a meal, teach a man to fish and he will have fish for every meal"..

Out of this seemingly noble statement, hereins lies the nature of mankind to give advise, teach a man to fish we say.. more often than not, as sound human beings that have cognitive abilities, more so with the increase in education, we see ourselves in a better person to impart our fishing skills to others.. we analyse, we relate and we teach a man to fish..

so what happens when the man refuse to learn? or give up trying?

how what's worse? you spend some time learning about the man's plight and then after some careful thought, teaches the man to fish.. but at the end of it all, he tells you that he is not hungry at all, hence no need to fish and he wasn't listening..

oh well, fishes.. fish u


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