Friday, July 04, 2008

Of Randomness

The Head of Klay run rampant... there is no focus, no concentration. Sitting with his back against the nylon of the office chair, his heels are rested on the carpet which conceals the false floor beneath. His head stares down on the screen, his eyes fixed on the screen, his breath slow and steady.

In the background, soft music, from the 80s probably, play from the speakers of a nearby computer. Today is friday, an end of the work week, the start of the weekends. Perhaps, the impending trip to perth has distracted him enough, thought after thought flodd the limited space in his brain, yes, the brain that holds so much potential yet so under-utilised, what if you could just increase 1% of the brain's capability? How about 2 if not 3%?

Miles away, a friend reflects on a similar state, one of laziness. Is it a lack of motivation, a lack of energy? Why have we choosen to do what we are doing? Is the projected future promised or even certain? What if things do not materialise? what if what you were working towards just crumble before your eyes when you are that close to completion? Yes, the thin line between success and failure, failures serves as lessons towards success, can you survive enough failures to see success? Extinction occurs becomes of failure to do the most basic of life, to survive.

Time is the ultimate equaliser. No matter if you are rich or poor, smart or silly, beautiful or ugly, tall or short, man or woman, you have 24hours in each of your living day, any attempts to "buy time" is just an illusion, the silly things that men do to make themselves feel better.

But who's to fault men for trying? it is this desire to try that has differentiated men from animals. Fire, electricity, water, harnessing nature for the gain of men.

It's truly amazing how computers, the internet has allowed people to communicate over distances. Then others will say, the computer was developed only after the discovery of electricity. Well, the Head of Klay says language allows people to speak all this arguements and make sense, so without language, electricity, computers and almost everything else who be pointless? If animals could really speak to their counterparts like what human do amongst ourselves, we could see another species rising up the chain.

Someone, a total stranger was communicating about "sustainable growth", the power of the internet has allowed for the communication of ideas. "Sustainable growth", he said, is an oxymoron. Growth cannot be infinite in a finite resource environment and thus it cannot be sustainable. The Earth can only take so much, its time will end, assigning a gender, a mother earth and father earth, are just fanatsies from the human mind. Would my generation be the one who experience the end of this time period? no one knows. that is it, no one, we are all smaller than we think, even our thoughts, our fantasies, our believes. No one means no one. Apply the same, ditto me, i could be wrong.

The power of randomness


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