Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Of Curtin Study Tour

Hi people,

Just thought it would be decent to account for the happenings next week, to inform, clarify and well, create some content since i have not made any entry since the Spain win.
Basically, i have choosen to enrol for a unit known as Marketing Professional Practice 300(MPP300) for my part-time degree. Completing this unit in between Trimester 1A and Trimester 2A means that i would have 2 units left for the Aug-Nov period and would complete my degree in Dec 2008. Time saving.

MPP300 has several requirements. Prior to departure, a 10-page background report covering statistics and trend analysis, profile of western australia and perth, SWOT analysis of perth from a singaporean prespective, learning points and a review on a local tour agency on its packages to perth.

I'll be in Perth from 6Jul to 12Jul. 7 days, mostly work, some fun. What happens is that the group will visit some tourist attractions to understand and experience the sights, sounds and people, we are also expecting a few academic sessions in Curtin's Bentley campus in perth. There are also plans for us to handle an impromptu "media conference" held by students from Curtin that are on the Media courses. Guess it would be fun to be in front of the camera and laugh our ass off when we see the tapes.

Day 6 is the kill day. We have been split into groups of 4 and each group has 7mins in front of the Western Australia Tourism Board in a boardroom setting. Our job, to recommend 3 ways to market Perth as a tourist destination to singaporeans. The scope is still pretty hazy now, we'll sort that out when we get to perth.

At the end of the trip, a final report is to be submitted, based on the recommendations made during the presentation. Finally, an individual journal on the 7-day study trip completes the rout.

It's quite a smart move actually, it is the super low season for tourism now and the winter cold in perth isn't making it all that attractive, so by pulling us in during this time, we ensure that the service apartments get some business and the tourist attractions staff do some work for their pay.

Did i mentioned that i need to pay another extra 1200 for accomodation etc for MPP300? The module fee itself is AUD1310. Our SQ flight cost SGD875. I is broke. Donations welcomed, please feel free to drop me an sms/email/tagboard message to contribute.

Away for 7 days, gona miss my wife


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