Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Of Days were the those - more

A chat with an "old friend" inspired this post

An sentence that i type to be exact: i load loads of fun in school.. despite the lack of academic achievements

You see, back then, school didn't seem to be just about studying and getting results, there was more

Having joined NPCC under highly dubious reasons in sec 1, i was determined to prove myself and struggle to make an impact till somewhere in sec 2. It didn't help that our instructors, who were CIs(Cadet Inspectors), did not know who i was when i emerge the top scorer for the corporal promotion test.. abit of glory there maybe? only self statisfaction, nothing more... by sec 3 and 4, i was making decisions and overcoming obstacles and i am proud to say that i lead the unit with integrity and diligence(my school moto) till the very day i left the unit.. and i came back for short burst to help out without becoming a CI myself.

Perhaps the experience of being a leader in sec school took its toil on me and i was not motivate to join any particular CCA in poly, despite this, i managed to score a Distinction for CCA Involvement in poly - i joined ad-hoc events that i liked and gave me points, the NDP Parade(where i met my wife), was one of those events

For a notoriously difficult to handle class, it was sheer irony that we had the highest percentage of Leaders of the Uniformed Groups. The respective heads of NCC(HH), NPCC(myself) and Scouts(SX) were in my class, what we didn't have was Girl Guides(maybe some of our guys will qualify if they joined), Band(come on, band? leadership? uniformed?) and Red Cross(ncc, npcc and scouts know first aid too).

In a big school with big uniform groups, territory became an issue. NCC and NPCC technically lord over 3 basketball courts each, while the scouts had a smaller field(about half a football field) to themselves. Band members stay in their hall and appear on an ad-hoc basis to "march" around, girl guides used an even smaller field near their room and i remember the red cross appearing on NPCC's basketball court

Wonder how many basketballers used to curse me when i chase them off the courts on saturday because i need the whole "parade square" to drill my cadets.. haha

Days were the those, wonder what triggered all these memories


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