Monday, November 05, 2007

Of Success Likelihood

The Success Likelihood Test: Results

Success starts from within. Are you able to tap into your full potential, move ahead and do what it takes to be successful? Or are you always stumbling over major obstacles, like fear of failure or lack of confidence? Find out if you are limiting yourself or opening up doors with the Success Likelihood Test.

One might think that all people would want boundless success in both the professional and personal realms of life. Who would want to turn down a promotion, or run away from a lifetime opportunity? Well, the truth is that many of us do. The reasons behind such a conscious or subconscious decision are numerous. Some may find themselves unwilling to uproot the family for relocation and others may be reluctant to take a job that would require killer hours. And then there are those who have a downright fear of success. While the former two are legitimate concerns, a genuine fear of success can keep people from realizing their potential and can force them to retreat into a dark shadow. They embark into a vicious circle of frustration, self-doubt and unconscious success sabotage. They don't do anything to prove themselves worthy of success-and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

My score = 47

What does my score mean?

Your Success Likelihood Ratio is in the medium range. You are likely to succeed in areas that are apparently within your confidence zone, but you may pass up interesting opportunities that present a challenge. This doesn't mean that you don't have what it takes to meet the challenge. You might well be the most gifted person in the world, but unless you put your talents to the trial, you will never know.

Unless i put my talents to the trial, i'll never know..


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