Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The thing about Elite II

Guess the issue is over? Not really, guess what? Wee Shu Min, the elite girl that i mentioned in my previous post, got wikipedia-ed.. haha..

here's the link

guess we are just not so happy when the "smart" and "great" people turn around and look down on us. Some MP spoke in parliament about whether you are a farmer or scholar..

the farmers he was referring to where the SAF rank-and-file officers who worked hard and eventually got promoted

the scholars? well, overseas education, well-planned career path and progression channels..

Maybe being elite just makes them lose touch with the common folks, the commoners, the heartlands(my vocab not bad uh?)

Thinking back, the hot issue now is, are we really judge by our merits? can there be a level playing field with overseas scholars around? Elistism? You judge

Elite elite, get out of my heartlander, oily face


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