Thursday, October 05, 2006

The thing about Me

It's been a awhile since i'hv blogged. Its funny how i can visit my own blog and see if there are any updates. While majority will be looking at the posting area when they visit my blog, i tend to look at the right, rightly so, as i am after all the blog owner.

The tagboard lets me know that people are reading my blog, it keeps me connected. While i never did start this blog to attract readers(read and guess why and how i started this blog here) it is perharps and internal wish to have people reading and knowing my thoughts, my musings, my abuses..

I find that i can be sometimes unhappy about a lot of things, yet i am happy. For i know that i'm lucky and contented, but i just like to complain about things.

Prices of bus fares are up once again, for a company that virtually monopolise the "Public" bus industries and MAKING millions in profit yearly. The reason for price increase? Increase in fuel price and falling profits. Mind you, this company is making profits! but because the numbers are too little to the big bosses who are already earning 5-figure income(at least) monthly, the price of bus fares has to go up again.. talk about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, this bus fare increase can be a classical example of the above

If.. only if..

If i have a say, if i have the power, i shall make the Public Bus Service public once more. The main consumers of the this "service"(their service sucks anyways) is mainly the middle to low income groups. The public bus service shall balance their books and not aim for a profit. Any surplus for this FY should be held in reserve to offset any fuel increase in the next FY and so forth. In return, for the first time in Singapore Public Bus Service History, there shall be a DECREASE in price

What great dreams and ideals i can have, what little power and influence i can muster to change things, this is the helplessness i feel and perharps, the source of my random unhappiness..

But still, this post is about Me. I am afterall happy. For i have a had a average, but good life, i already have the person i love and i promise to hold her for life.

I am Happy afterall..hee..


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