Monday, October 16, 2006

The thing about Graduations

Having attended my first University-level graduation ceremony, it was an enriching experience.. the joy and excitement was definitely there, but at the beginning, there was doubts as to whether i would make it into the hall..

the situation: this university has somehow decided that their overseas candidates are okay with having only TWO guest for the graduation ceremony, after 2-3 years of hardwork and about $20-30k of school tuition fees and lecture payments... a grand ceremony, yet only 2 guest...

on average, a singapore who completes his or her Bachelor degree should involve their parents in the ceremony, how about siblings? how about spouse? are we so alone in singapore?

and so.. i stepped through the dark side to enter the ballroom.. (reminds me of
i did what i had to, i slipped through the system.. because i really wanted to be there, to witness the moment of her graduation, to look at her smile, to take her pictures, to take pictures with her

its not that bad after all.. i thoroughly enjoyed the day, though after-ceremony obligations meant that we couldn't move around the sights to take more wonderful pictures of her in that gown and mortar-board

This is going to be a long post..

To quote a certain professor and his speech.. (not exactly quote, summarise actually)

The limited resource that we have is life, to be exact, it is time.. what we do with our time is a trade off, to choose to sleep, to choose to eat, to choose to idle, all is a trade of time(blogging too..hmm) what we can and should, is to make the best use of time to enrich ourselves for the good of society and personal development..

what he said made sense and he had my fullest attention for his entire speech.. maybe its the way angmohs carry themselves and that slang in the tongue that makes them so pleasing to the ear, i was spellbounded, he made me felt like a graduate(still long long way to go)

to end of his speech, he quoted:

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

How true.. so what can i do?


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