Monday, February 19, 2007

Of A Long Story I

There was this boy, fresh out from the local PSLE system, that choose his own secondary schools to attend. Independence is a strong but relative word, the freedom to make choices and follow through to such choices have been the hallmark of this boy's life, lets name him K

Now K made is choices but was unable to get into the top choice of secondary school. Somehow, the local education system meant that the "grade" of school that you attend will affect you somehow, although every school has it bad eggs, it's the rotten apples that stands out from the glorious food that K goes to..

A vicious cycle maybe, but the quality of students will indirectly affect the performance of the teachers and also the school, had K's class in sec3 n 4 been more disciplined and hardworking, the lifes of most teachers would indeed have been more pleasant...

K's A-maths teacher was the best in school, teaching the Science(top) Class, a Commerce class and lastly the Technical class in which K was in

Back then, only boys took Design and Technology and thus K's was in a all-boys class that took Design n Tech and as a subject.

Back to A-maths, K tried hard to understand and learn, but at times, it does seem that the teacher was not that interested in teaching nor guiding.. K even went for the first tuition class in his 16 years alive, he wanted to make it..

And as the prelimary exams creep nearer and nearer..

It was apparent how his A-maths teacher, the HOD for Maths too, used a A-maths lesson to explain how the national average and school average for O levels is calculated, to quote:

"You know how many A1s i need from the Science class to cover one of the failures in your class?"

Deep down, the class knew the answers very well, maybe he was trying to use reverse psychology to motivate, but the class were much more aware of the underlining message

That's the reason why K and some 20 others did not taken either of the A Maths paper for his Os

To teach is to nurture?


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