Monday, January 29, 2007

Of another day in office

29 Jan, monday
Location, office meeting room

Someone "junior": you want to use the table?
Someone "senior": No thanks, i'm not so ego, i don't need the table

What the f is this..

Just as life seem to settle down back in office work, the need for technical support has once again arise.. feeling more and more like a floor manager for an events company, but hold on, managers makes decisions about stuff he thinks is best, i don't.. so i'm just a floor person.. how crappy is that?

Having problem coping with the in-out of office lifestyle, having difficulty following up on the payments and emails that are flying around, emails with request are flying in, car needs servicing, people waiting for their payments, new guy waiting to be inducted, seminar logs and IT to be tested, colleague's morale to be managed, fats to lose, recall orders to serve, bills to pay, administration for studies to settle, fish tank to clean, office cubicle to tidy..

hmm, there just don't seem to have much that are closely linked to PROJECT coordinator, coordinator what i ask..

been troubled by the performance of certain person in office, i know i can be quite demanding when it comes to work related stuff, more so from people who i believe should be performing well after a acquiring a certain level of education, but what does qualification mean? I can already have a promoted Bachelor holder that cannot make it.. what else should surprise me?

A close friend once commented, as you age, you will mellow.. you will learn to take things easier.. will i? have i? or am just a dormant volcano waiting to awake once more and rattle the peaceful life that surrounds the "rosy" half of the circle?

Its hard to motivate people who sees the same problem with you, are we victims of our own competence? How then do we appear less competent? Are these colleagues of mine playing the same game to "siam" work.. how then can i encourage an outstanding performer to do the same and more when all he sees is more work coming his way despite his low pay and low recognition?

Is that the correct way forward? Why is it so hard to keep my mouth shut, accept things the way they are and just get on with it? Why do i think so hard, so much?

Its a bad start to a monday by my standards, sure, i got work done, but where's the satisfaction? Or has the satisfaction been missing since i started sharing my negative thoughts with fellow sufferers?

May tuesday smell nicer than monday


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