Monday, August 04, 2008

Of Business Capstone

Into my last trimester with Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS), i am left with 2 modules to complete.

(1) Strategic Marketing
(2) Business Capstone

Business Capstone involves group competing against each other in an industry. A computer program stimulates results based on main decision categories such as
(1) Research & Development
(2) Marketing
(3) Production
(4) Finance
and other factors such as
(5) Total Quality Management
(6) Labour Negotiations

In short, students are required to make business decisions over the "8 years" of stimulation that runs. We all start with the same 5 products with equal market share and resources. Businesses then choose which product(s) to improve on and that affects other factors such as production cost, consumer demand, cash flow etc. Marketing affects the awareness and products' accessibility while businesses can decide to tweak the Credit Terms to increase demand for products(with longer Accounts Receivable date, eg. more than 30days) or risk delays in delivery of products from factories (with longer Accounts Payable date. eg. more then 30days).

Make too much and inventory cost is increase. Make too little and you missed the chance to make a return on your investments and profits. Pay your staff too little, give them insufficient benefits and they'll strike, production line halts, nothing to say, no cash. Pay your staff too much and give them the world will bring up cost, but well, that could trigger strikes in your competitor's factories too!

The beauty of the game is that although you can make all your wise calculations and informed decisions, there is no way to predict what other companies (student groups) will do. Competing in the same product category means a lower share of the pie while focusing on just niche areas could be the downfall of the business.

Competitors' effort on Research and Design can make your product look stupid while those who invest in improving the factory's production output can price their products cheaper to sell your customers. New products are developed and launched, marketing efforts by competitors cuts into what you are already doing.

Need more money? Take long loans in the form of bonds or short term loans from Banks. Sell shares of the company increases cash flow, but that also means paying more people money when they company decides to pay dividends. Make your share price increase by performing well in the Earning per share(EPS) and Paying good dividends to your share holders.

Almost every aspect of the business' performance will affect the scores students get. Profit, Share Prices, Return on Investments etc.

The top performing team walks away with the full marks, 35%. How far the next team is to the No.1 will get a faction of that cost and so forth.

Interesting? You bet

Confused, don't worry, its normal

Take a look at the program if you are interested though i doubt you can actually feel it.

I'm having fun already.


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