Sunday, July 15, 2007

Of Ramly Burger

What's the greatest thing about Pasar Malams?

In today's context, it must be Ramly Burger!
Ramly Burger, actually refers to Ramly Special Burger most of the time.. the special here refers to the added slice of cheese and that the patty is typically wrapped in egg.. while most pasar malams are flooded with stores selling ramly, it is not always easily to find a stall that sells a decent ramly burger..

klayhead presents:

A Guide to Choosing the Right Ramly Burger

1. Patty
The patty is either chicken or beef, some people choose fish, but that's a way different burger. A good ramly store will prepare the patty with curry powder and some kind of seasoning sauce, the chef will also cut the patty in the midsection to better cook the meat

2. The bun
The bun must not be mistreated, a generous application of margarine and slight toast on the hot plate will do just fine

3. The sauces
All ramly burger should have mayo and black pepper sauce lavished on the patty, a criss-cross pattern of the two sauces will be a treat for the eyes

4. The egg
The egg is generally spread across the hotplate and used to wrap the meat patty with the sauce and cheese.. a good store will prepare one egg per patty.. some other stores tend to mix a few egg together to wrap a few burgers.. so sizes might vary

All in all, a good ramly will set you back by $2.50.. so happy hunting!

Ramly ramly, so yummy in my tummy


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