Monday, April 30, 2007

Of A Special Power

Imagine this.. somehow, you got a gift, a special power.. once every 12 weeks, you are given the option to travel up to "heaven".. there, you are given an option to look down upon earth and save someone living.. you might not fully save the person nor know the person's name or face.. but you, alone decide whether to do a small part to save someone's life..

still with me? So.. what's the catch? well, this journey from here to "heaven" takes some time, the after effect of doing a "rescue"(as mentioned above) takes about 30mins.. after it which you might feel a little tired.. no other long term effects..

would you exercise your option to make the "travel" and in turn rescue the life(s) of others? Would you sacrifice your personal time and some "energy" to help someone live?

I hope your answer is Yes... i really do..

for you can obtain this power to give a gift of life..

you can donate blood.. and yeah, i got myself wired again today to do my little part..

Visit the webby!

You can help too


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