Monday, April 13, 2009

Of Blind Man

This is not a religious post. This is not a religious post. 

Heard over a programme some days ago:

"A blind man who asks god for one eye is rewarded with two"

Herein lies a deeper meaning that involves expectations, unexpected rewards and results, amongst others.

If you were a blind man or woman and there being a chance that you could recover your sight. Would you be thinking day and night of having an eye back, or two? Most of us would have declared the latter, a pair of eyes to bring sight back into our world.

For the man in question to ask only for an eye, this shows us that more often than not, we ask for more than wat we really need, sometimes denying others in the process.

Unexpected rewards.
He asked for one but got two instead. It's kind of corny to talk about this now but at first though, the childhood yoodie of "yao wu mao, gei yi kwai, ni shuo qi kwai bu qi kwai?" (translate: asked for 50cts but given a dollar, isn't it strange?". Ok, lets get back.

When you go out seeking for one, sometimes you get rewarded by 2. Good deal. 
For some people, they are simply happy with the status quo and thus make no effort to aim for anything else, people who come from the "appreciation what you have and ask for nothing more" school..

So now, if the blind man(or woman) is you, what would you do? Ask for none, one eye or two?


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