Monday, March 16, 2009

Of Waiting

Warms hands tightened around the cold hard steel, there were people everywhere and that made breathing hard to do. She cast her glance low, avoiding the others that stood around her, each in their own world. She is not alone, those that occupy the space just before her attempted to avoid eye-contact, there was something they knew yet they tried their darn best to conceal that knowledge, to play dumb to that inner voice in their heads. This is not new to her at all, there's something about these people that she's starting to recognise..

Deep in her mind, she asked her how she should feel, unsure if any negative emotions to the outside world would affect the life she is carrying. She reserves her judgement on others as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Sometimes she wished she could read the minds of these before her so that she can just curse them in her mind and not worry about being wrong.

To be continued..


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