Monday, July 31, 2006

The thing about Strongly Condemn

ABC strongly condemns.. XYZ strongly condemns, BCD urges immediate ceasefire, DEF is shocked and disappointed...

Lots of expressions, some are more careful than others, but still the fire of war rages, innocent lives are lost, thousands more displaced and lets not forget the tired soldiers who would rather be home or fighting real enemies instead of striking down civilian homes and claiming the blood of children, women and the old..

In the meantime, two buddy nations are still discussing what more needs to be done to clear out the terrorist, through this "war", equipment and infrastructure might be disrupted, but surely, more Osamas will be bred through the hardship and suffering.. its not hard to see why

Many people who are living in fear of their lives run and struggle to keep loved ones safe, loved ones get killed by bombings and all, many people do not understand why they are implicated, but they are angry and fearful, a powerful combination..

Along comes someone who give them some "power'' to strike back at the warplanes that bombed their houses, the bullets who pierced their families, and so.. the recruitment of a new era of terrorist.. bred from the Lebanon-Israel conflict

A Vicious cycle knows no end


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